Monday, February 15, 2010


    Can you feel the energy pulsating through your body? I can, especially right now on the bottom of my feet, up my toes and around my arms. It is a reminder that we are only energy for nothing in the Universe is truly solid but is billions upon billions of tiny particles that are so attracted to each other they appear to be solid. So where does the energy come from that glues these particles together? The Source of all that is. Every person, every animal, every plant, and every object is a piece of the whole I call Source and we are all connected by the energy that runs through us.

    In death the majority of the energy we define as our individual selves leaves our body. Where it goes I don't know but a small bit of it stays behind and slowly, over time, dissipates until all that is left is the dust the bible so poetically describes. So why am I thinking about death today? Because I heard the news that a friend's ex-husband died last Friday. The energy that we called Dan decided to leave the body and go somewhere else and has transitioned to wherever humans go when they die. But die sounds so final, and in fact, it is really a transformation of energy with a little bit left behind. For although it has been many years since I have seen Dan, memories of him in our younger days will stay in my mind until I too transition. So today I say Bon Voyage, Dan. I hope your new journey is filled with love, happiness and peace.

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