Friday, February 5, 2010


    I have a habit of living in the future. It is a habit that does not serve me well most of the time. When my mind is focused on the future it more often focuses on what can go wrong rather than on what can go well. So I'm better off staying in the present moments, where I can determine without a shadow of a doubt whether something is going well or not so well. So I have a few tricks in my bag to get me back to the present. The easiest one is to pay attention to my emotions. If I'm feeling a negative emotion, especially worry or fear, then most likely I'm out in the future somewhere (unless there is a tiger right in front of me that is about to eat me). As soon as I recognize the negative emotion I ask myself what is going on right now and is there a reason, right in this moment to worry or fear. 99% of the time the answer is no. Lately I've also been using the mantra technique. My favorite mantra these days is Trust. As soon as I recognize I'm in the future or I'm feeling a negative emotion then I say the word, "Trust." Amazingly it thrusts me back into the present and reminds me that I have very little control over the future. I can dream about it, plan for it, and step towards it, but when all is said and done, the Source of all there is will decide where my future lies and I believe Source has only good in store for me. So today, I send my dreams out into the Universe, take my baby steps towards them and trust that all will be well. My future probably won't turn out exactly as I dreamed it, often it turns out way better, and when I trust it always turns out to be the best for everyone concerned.

1 comment:

  1. this is a good reminder to live in the present...i can tell you that over the last two years, my worst days have come when i was worried about my future...when i spend so much time looking ahead, i miss all the special-ness of the now! there are plenty of things to appreciate about the present (not just the smell of roses, either), but if i'm worrying about tomorrow or even two hours from now, then i'm missing out...and the thing is, as you mentioned so eloquently, tomorrow will take care of worrying can only change the outcome in negative ways, as in the negative impact it's having on mind and body in the present dream and hope for the future, but live for today...that's what your blog post reminded me this morning...thanks!
