Sunday, October 17, 2010

Law of Circulation

Packing, packing.........and more packing. That is my mantra these days as I am 6 days away from moving all my belongings to another place. My home is inundated with boxes. And in all honesty, although I packed these boxes, I couldn't tell you what is in most of them. Oh, I've marked them with the designation of what room they go in and a basic gist of what's inside them, but down to the detail I have no idea. And except for a few items I use on a regular basis, I haven't needed what is inside them for weeks now either. What does that tell me?

It reminds me of one of my basic beliefs in life.....the "Law of Circulation." Everything in the universe is made up of energy of one form or another and we have a certain amount of energy that supports us at all times, like the energy of our bodies, the energy of money, the energy of our emotions, the energy of "things." The more we hold on to this energy the less energy we attract to us that is new, alive and refreshing. That is why I believe it is so important to release energy that is no longer serving us well or that is just collecting dust.......we must constantly be cleaning house in order to make way for the new. I find this law is very true with money. If I release money by tithing it or donating it, or giving gifts to family and friends I am always amazed at how I receive money back twofold. When I'm paying a bill or sending out money I have a ritual that serves me well. I visualize the money as energy and that what I pay out becomes someone else's salary which in turn pays their bills, which becomes someone else's salary and so on.........and sooner or later it returns as my salary or my dividend and the cycle repeats. Then I remember that money is a gift from God and on all my checks I write TYGFIAP which is my acronym for "Thank You God For I Am Prosperous." The same concept holds true with love as well. The more love I give out to others, the more love I receive and again I thank God for what I give and what I receive. Peace is another one. The more peace I create for others the more it comes back to me. In Unity teachings we recite a prayer as we tithe that is appropriate for all energy that we use in our lives. It goes: "Divine Love, through me, blesses and multiplies all that I am, all that I have, all that I give and all that I receive." This is the "Law of Circulation," releasing energy to allow new energy to arrive and thanking God for the generous energy we constantly receive.

So back to the packing. Now that I've noticed how little I use of the "stuff" in these boxes, I plan to be more cognizant, both now as I continue to pack and as I unpack at the other end, to see what may be more useful in the hands of someone else. Look out Goodwill, St. Vincent Depaw, ARC and who knows who else.......cause here comes some released energy.

Saturday, October 9, 2010


I think I am in heaven.......and it is here on earth. As I prepare for my move to Florida I have temporarily traveled to my new home to make ready my new condo for occupancy. Instead of staying in a motel, as I have no furniture in my new place, my dear friend from high school has opened her home to me. This is extraordinary because she and her husband are living in Vancouver for the summer and have not yet returned. So I have this scrumpdillyicious home to enjoy all to myself. Right now as I write, I listen to the fountain emptying into the pool, watch the white Ibis feed in her backyard, while the palm trees that line the small lake behind her place sway in the gentle breeze. I don't just think I'm in heaven.....I know I am!

I am extremely blessed with awesome friends from around the world and I love the variety and splendor of them all; not because they allow me to stay in their homes while they are gone (although that is icing on the cake) but because they give me that sense of oneness that I know is the great truth about God. God runs through every single being on this planet. Every living creature is a child of God and though connecting to every being on earth is impossible, connecting on the limited level that I do each day allows me to experience God in the greatest depth and breadth imaginable. For whenever I feel down, or lost or lonely I can touch and be touched by another being (that includes dogs and cats) and feel the presence of God, not just in myself but in them as well. It's amazing how quickly the sad, lost or lonely feelings disappear when I surround myself with other God inspired creatures. That being said, I think today I'll go connect with as many of Source's creations as possible. So God,get ready 'cause here I come!

Saturday, October 2, 2010


During my graduate school days I was required in my Community Counseling class to read the book, The Tipping Point, by Malcolm Gladwell. The words he so beautiful expressed made a profound impression on my life. The most important idea being the Law of the Few for I have taken the concept to heart and practice its principles on a consistent basis. Gladwell rolled the Pareto Principle (80/20 rule) out of the world of economics and into the social world. The theory states that 80% of work is done by 20% of the participants and in the social world, Gladwell believes that all our social experiences can be attributed to 20% of the population in the form of 3 types of people we may either be or know. There is the Connector, who is the person we all know who knows someone, who knows someone, who knows someone, etc. Then there is the Maven, who always has all the latest information, the latest gadgets, or the latest ideas. These are the people I dub the trivia wizards of the world. And finally there is the Salesman, or person who can talk you into trying, or buying or experiencing just about anything.
After reading this book I asked myself the question, who did I wish to be in this vast world of participants? My answer? The Connector. For I love to meet with, learn about and be around people. I love to take risks, try new experiences, taste new foods. I love to reach beyond my inner sanctum of friends and touch people from other cultures, other countries, other religions and more. I love both liberal and conservative people. I love learning about both the good and the bad. I love to participate in all kinds of situations with all kinds of experiences. But most of all I love to find the common denominator with others, connect in a meaningful way and stay connected to them. If I have a meaningful connection with another human being I want to continue to know about that person's life, at least occasionally. About how they are, what's happening with them and their families and what new information they have to share. And I don't connect because of what might come in handy for some future time and place but because I can learn so much about myself from learning about others. And the ultimate prize for me, is when I meet another connector. Why it's like dying and going to heaven for in an instant my network of people multiplies exponentially.
Now to the simple truth behind this book and behind the idea that awakened me so profoundly that I still practice this principle in all my affairs. The foundational characteristic of all three types of people is this. Be open. Open to new thoughts, new ideas, new religions, new views, new opinions, new perspectives, new situations......just be open. This has become my dogma, my mantra, my open to life and ALL its experiences for they all have some relevance and you never know, someday in the future you may know that person or know that information or have the ability to persuade someone that can bring peace and love to all and change the world forever.