Friday, July 30, 2010


    Guess I spoke too soon. Not that I've ever been known to do that.....or to jump to conclusions in order to wrap my arms around what I can't explain. Seems the wayward dog I was grieving has least for awhile. In my need to jump to a conclusion, Sharmin, at the age of 14, was too old to survive in the wild and thus was lying dead somewhere in the woods. Guess I was wrong. And since I prefer tidy endings, it's a cruel joke that the dog can't talk to tell me the details of her big adventure. Luckily for me I found an interview of her in the Doggie Daily Chew magazine. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

    Reporter: So what made you decide to run away and then return.

    Sharmin: Actually I never went anywhere.

    Reporter: But I don't understand, your owners actively searched for you for days, calling, driving around, walking the property and talking to neighbors. They even put up "MOST WANTED" posters. But it was as if you disappeared into thin air.

    Sharmin: Really? I didn't see or hear anything......but then again, my eyesight and hearing aren't what they used to be. All I can remember are rabbits.....or were they squirrels.....and how much fun chasing them were......ah freedom......What was the question again?

    Reporter: Where have you been for the last 2.5 weeks?

    Sharmin: Uhhhhh......I remember being bored lying on the porch and deciding to go chase something (she pauses, a puzzled look crossing her snout) thing I remember I was inside an alien spaceship and they were feeding me and petting me and treating me really nice.

    Reporter: That's a joke right?

    Sharmin: Uhhhhhh, what's a joke?

    Reporter: The aliens? (Another puzzled expression crosses the dog's face.)

    Sharmin: I'm 14 years old.....that's 98 in human years.....what do you think?

    Reporter: Okay, let's move on to something you do know. Is there anything you'd like to say to your previous owner, Sarah, about your experience.

    Sharmin: Who?

    Reporter: Sarah

    Sharmin: she the one from Denver that brought me here?

    Reporter: Yes.

    Sharmin: Tell her thanks...this is the best retirement home in the world. I love being wild again. I was wild when the Pound captured me 13 years ago in New Mexico and I was wild when I lived in the mountains of Colorado for that one glorious summer. I've been daydreaming for years of being wild and free again. Why do you think I used to jump the fence and disappear in my younger days? I loved our week long vacations in the mountains when I could run like the wind and chase bears. Now I have the best of both worlds......the woods and pond all day......and a nice house with lots of food and someone to pet me whenever I want.

    Reporter: So let's get back to where you were for 2.5 weeks.

    Sharmin: Uhhhhh......I haven't got a clue....besides that's in my past. I'm a dog and I live in the moment. I wasn't scared or worried or angry or sad or any of those strange emotions humans spend way too much time obsessing on. My biggest concern each moment was about which critter I was going to chase next and where the best spot to sun was, and if it was time to take a dip in the pond or not.

    Reporter: Sounds pretty wonderful to me (a sigh escapes from the expertly groomed collie)......Do you have any finally words of wisdom for your adoring fans?

    Sharmin: Yes. (smile/pant) It truly is a dog's life (lick).

Friday, July 23, 2010


    I'm excited. Tonight I'm traveling to see my family. Yeah! I love my family and there are hordes of them to love. We come in every shape, size, color and demeanor. But the one thing we all have in common is that we love each other very much. Oh that doesn't mean we always like each other. We've had squabbles and fights and hurt feelings as the years have gone by....but we always come back for more. I believe it is because of the underlying love we have for each other. I thank my parents for having this great family for it was their foundation of love that keeps us coming back. I remember once when I was very angry at one of my siblings my mother said, "You don't have to like what they did but you do have to love them because they are family." I truly heard what she said and have lived by those words ever since. The good news today is that I've learned to also like them all for exactly who they are. For each member is wonderfully unique and brings to this world something special. So this weekend I get to continue to learn what specialness my family members bring to the banquet. Thank you God for plopping me right into the middle of this colorful banquet table. What a feast!

Sunday, July 18, 2010


    Over a week ago my dog, Sharmin, disappeared from my friend's farm where she had gone to live six weeks earlier. Fear overwhelmed me at first because she was a very old Golden/Chow mix (14) and very arthritic. But then I realized to the depth of my soul that she had gone off to die, for you see she was a wanderer. My late husband and I had adopted her from the Pound at the age of 1, where she had been brought after a year of wandering on a reservation in New Mexico. Her happiest times in her life were up at our mountain cabin where she was allowed to roam and wander to her heart's content. After my fear subsided, guilt reared its ugly head......guilt that I had abandoned her in her old age. But then I remembered that if she hadn't gone to the farm she would have been stuck in my townhome while I was out of town on an assignment and would have been relegated to two short walks a day and no friendly humans to pet and love on her whenever she wanted (which was another one of her favorite pastimes). So after the rollercoaster of grieving emotions subsided, I found peace in her disappearance (and presumed death) for she went out the way she wanted......she wandered.

    As I grieved this week, I kept saying to myself that Sharmin was the best dog I ever had, but as the sadness dissipated, I began to remember all my tail wagging companions and realized Sharmin was but one of a long line of "best" dogs I ever loved. For they all brought something special into my life and their memories will live on in my soul for eternity. So here's to you Captain Watts Cookin' (Cookie for short), the Cocker Spaniel that soaked up the joys of my glorious childhood and the tears of my typical tumultuous adolescence as we wandered through the briar patches at my family's lake cabin. Here's to Alcatraz, my German Shepherd mixed friend whose favorite pastime was catching Frisbees high in the air and who flew on several vacations with me, the longest trip being all the way from Florida to Oregon when I moved to the Pacific Northwest. To Sasquatch, the Labrador mix who swam like a fish and was always game to go camping in the hot, humid hills of Texas. To Leyla, the great drama queen whose Doberman breed terrified strangers even though she was the most gentle, goofy dog I ever knew. It was this crazy dog's inquisitive nature that propelled her head first into a massive snow drift the winter after she relocated with us from Texas to Colorado even though her short fur was little protection from the bitter cold. Last but not least to Sharmie the Wonder Dog, who ran like the wind in the mountains of Colorado and who comforted me during the horrific grief of my husband's death. You have all been my "Best" dogs and because you were in my life I have been blessed with knowing the true meaning of unconditional love. To all of you I say "Thanks for the wags."

Saturday, July 10, 2010


    My heart aches for someone I know who made a grievous mistake this week and is now waiting for the consequences of the mistake. It truly saddens me because this person is sitting in limbo but thinks they are about to be fired. Very little in life feels worse than being fired except maybe the death of a loved one. The person in limbo recently lost their spouse and when someone remarked that they would be devastated if they were fired the limbo person said, "Nothing is as difficult as losing one's spouse so I doubt this will devastate me." I resonated with her words as I have said similar words numerous times over the past four and a half years. My husband was 52 when he died and the unexpected event put so much in perspective for me. It reminded me that life is short and that we never know what's coming next so we need to appreciate and enjoy every moment we have, even the not so good ones. Life is precious, even in the worst of instances it is the only life we have so we must recognize, appreciate and live it to the fullest. I admire this about the person in question for they have demonstrated a grace and strength that allows them to live life on their terms, no matter what the circumstances. Thanks for the reminder that life's too short to get upset about anything. Instead enjoy!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Fifth of July

    Fourth of July weekend and three days of rain. The irony of it all for I have a 3 days weekend and nowhere to go. Here I am in eastern Kansas thinking that this was going to be a hot weekend with swimming, playing golf, maybe even hiking in between watching the parade and going to the festival. I made it to the parade but other than that and going out to eat with friends all I've done is spend the weekend in my motel room. Now as a writer that should be thrilling because I had more than enough time to write. But here it is Monday and I'm just now getting to my blog. Do you think my motivation's in the tube? On a more pleasant note my job is going wonderfully. I love working with the soldiers and I enjoy the diversity in all that I do. My day ranges from providing a briefing on our program to various groups around the post, to seeing clients, to facilitating presentations, to greeting planes returning from overseas, to hanging out at the USO and talking to whoever is there. There is never a dull moment, except on the weekend. But the thing I love the most about this job is that it is short term. I'm here for 30 days then off for 2.5 weeks then head to El Paso, TX for 45 days, then I'm off for the rest of the year while I move to Florida. I'm looking forward to finding out where I'll be assigned in January and hope it is somewhere with a moderate climate. All in all, I am an incredibly blessed person for God is providing me with a job I love that also allows me to move to a warmer client. Thank you Creator for providing me my dreams.