Saturday, July 10, 2010


    My heart aches for someone I know who made a grievous mistake this week and is now waiting for the consequences of the mistake. It truly saddens me because this person is sitting in limbo but thinks they are about to be fired. Very little in life feels worse than being fired except maybe the death of a loved one. The person in limbo recently lost their spouse and when someone remarked that they would be devastated if they were fired the limbo person said, "Nothing is as difficult as losing one's spouse so I doubt this will devastate me." I resonated with her words as I have said similar words numerous times over the past four and a half years. My husband was 52 when he died and the unexpected event put so much in perspective for me. It reminded me that life is short and that we never know what's coming next so we need to appreciate and enjoy every moment we have, even the not so good ones. Life is precious, even in the worst of instances it is the only life we have so we must recognize, appreciate and live it to the fullest. I admire this about the person in question for they have demonstrated a grace and strength that allows them to live life on their terms, no matter what the circumstances. Thanks for the reminder that life's too short to get upset about anything. Instead enjoy!

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