Monday, November 8, 2010


Those who know me well know that I love change. One might even say that I am a true change agent, always looking for the next new experience, idea, or product to enjoy. But even for those of us who love change there is a toll we must pay when we manifest major change. I have seldom been so aware of that toll as I am right now, 2 weeks I moved most of my earthly possessions to a state 2000 miles from where I have lived for the last 20 years.

My energy field has made a major shift and it is causing my body to feel like a giant blob of Silly Putty. As this geographical shift continues to occur, one end of the blob of molecules I call my body is still attached to Colorado, while the other end is attaching itself to Florida. The longer I stay in my new tropical paradise, the more the energy flows south, but still, I am definitely stretched.....energetically that is.......and it feels like I'm reaching my max. Add to that the fact that this weekend I flew north to Indiana to attend my niece's wedding & I am like a sling shot, pulled taut, in readiness for a major battle with Goliath. So imagine how the nerves, skin and organs that make up my manifested body must feel. Overstrung and screaming. The only remedy I've come up with so far is to remind myself to have patience with myself (and those who bump into my irritability), awareness that I am tired and irritable because of the energy adjustment, and awareness that in time the majority of shifting energy will make its way to my new home. Until then, please forgive me for my short temper, my scattered focus and my over indulgence of self......soon I'll be right as rain and hopefully better than ever. And last but certainly not least, I thank the Source of all creation for my fabulous life and ALL the experiences attached to it. I am so truly blessed!!

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