Friday, May 21, 2010


    I belong to a group of spiritual women who have decided to meet on a regular basis to discuss our beliefs and our commitments and to support each other on this spiritual journey we call life. This week's assignment is to meditate, journal and explore the commitment we have for ourselves and what is working, what's not and why. My commitment is to writing my books and become a successful published author. So for the last two days, in my morning meditation, I have asked my Higher Power to expound upon what is getting in my way with my writing and my dream of being a successful published author. Today's answer was very profound for me and I want to share it with you. It was 3 words repeated over and over again. Believe, Expect, Do.

    BELIEVE means to believe that my desires come from my Higher Power for my higher good. Believe that no matter what others may say are the insurmountable odds, believing is the key to receiving. Believe that with the help of the Universe I can achieve anything I put my mind to. Believe the impossible. Lewis Carroll believed and look what happened to his book Alice in Wonderland. He even writes about it, as illustrated in the following quote: [Alice] "One can't believe impossible things." "I dare say you haven't had much practice," said the Queen. "When I was your age, I always did it for half-an-hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast."

    EXPECT means that once you believe, expect your beliefs to come true. For me it means to expect that any day now a literary agent is going to contact me and tell me how much they love my book. It means to expect the dream to come true. How, when, with what, etc. is not my business, only the outcome is my business. So I expect what others may call "impossible" to occur.

    DO means to put one foot forward and do the next right thing. You can substitute any word that exemplifies your dream in place of Do. For me I add the word Write, for with my dream I continue to develop and write my novels. I continue to send out my finished manuscripts to literary agents and publishers. I continue to share what I have written with anyone who will read them.

    So today I'm going to place these 3 words on my white board above my desk. I will write them on a sticky and place them on my bathroom mirror. I will put them in my phone so they will be beeped at me daily. Today I have received a profound message from within. Thank you Creator for this wonderful gift of BELIEVE, EXPECT, DO!

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