Monday, June 14, 2010


    Tomorrow I start a new adventure. I will fly to another state and work at a military installation as a family counselor for 30 days. I will not be writing about the details of the experience in this blog because of its confidential nature, but I will write about my feelings as I live and work away from home. To start with, I want to describe how I'm feeling right now as I step forward into this new life. It is as if I am free falling in the vast blue sky, floating and descending without a parachute. Tomorrow when I leave, I will have nothing to ground me in my new location, no familiar job, no friends, no home, no pets, not even my own car. It's as if I am stepping onto an airliner and jumping from 30,000 feet into a new life. I was guided by Source in this new direction, yet I feel nervous and excitement wrapped together in one delicious sensation. There is also a deja vu component mixed in because I've been here before, sort of, when I started my new job in Kazakhstan. But with that adventure I had a husband at home to ground the experience. Now, because I live alone, my dog has been adopted out and my cats are being nurtured by their new mom, I truly am unfettered. Like the fuzzy remains of a dandelion I am blowing with the breeze and landing wherever the wind takes me. Don't get me wrong, I relish this experience. If I didn't I would change the future right now by calling off the new job, remaining at home and living my life exactly as I have for the last few years. But I won't, because being a nomad is in my DNA. It is who I am and what I do. By next week I will have settled in to this flexible, adventurous life, thanking God for my big family and wonderful friends, for I'm counting on them to be my parachute. Happy Sailing!

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