Sunday, October 25, 2009

Stepping out of our "delusion"

Quote from Einstein:
"A human being is part of the whole, called by us 'Universe'; a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest---a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison."

I often find myself in this delusional prison Einstein speaks of, forgetting that I am part of so much more than the flesh and blood of this body. As an example, I spent months and months and months writing a book, changing it, rewriting it, wordsmithing it and on one day a month ago I said, "Enough is enough." So I changed a few words and deemed it complete (at least until a publisher gets their hands on it). Then I gave it to a few people to read. One of them told me later that because I said the parents were whispering behind closed doors in the very first paragraph, it started the mystery and suspense and they couldn't put the book down. I laugh, because I added the word whisper on the last day at the last minute. I barely remember adding it. Yet, that one word is what made it such a success to the reader. As a writer I find that when I sit down to write, most often the creative ideas flow from a tap that is much greater than the brain that is inside my flesh and bones. I call this tap Divine Creativity (an extension of Divine Intelligence) or another name can be the creative facet of the omnipotent God who created all. It doesn't really matter what you want to call this Source, what matters is tapping into it. Getting outside our "delusion" as Einstein called it, is the ultimate task for we humans. So today, when I go to swim I am going to remind myself that the water and I come from the same Source. The people in the lanes next to me are created by the same Source, the people who run the recreation center are part of that one Source, and those people in the cars I pass or drive behind are truly, on the deepest level, one with me, for we are all extensions of Source. So let's heed Einstein's words today and step out of our delusions and re-member!

1 comment:

  1. Sarah! Is this really you??? I have thought of you so often in the last year and wondered where you went to and what you are up to!

    Congrats on the blog. I know you'll be right at home here! Had no idea that you are a writer but knew you had a poet's heart so not really so surprised.

    I'll check back often and hope to follow your journey with you!

    Best wishes!

    Tamara G. Suttle, M.Ed., LPC
