Friday, April 2, 2010


    Did you know that many scholars believe the origins of Easter actually come from a pagan goddess named Eostre the Great Mother goddess of the Saxons? One of the myths surrounding this fertility goddess is that she granted her rabbit friend the ability to lay eggs once a year and thus came the origins of the Easter Bunny. Of course there are other scholars who refute this theory. But I like it and considering the Roman Catholics were notorious for incorporating pagan rituals into their customs in order to encourage the converts to attend church, it makes sense to me. Whatever the true origins, this Sunday, April, 5th is Easter, the first Sunday after the full moon (paschal moon) after the vernal (spring) equinox. Not sure how the church came up with that calculation but I know it was decided during the first council of Nicea in 325 under the tutelage of Emperor Constantine. My bet is a bunch of bishops sequestered themselves in a room with many bottles of great Italian wine and hammered out some of the first church laws and holidays. Oh to be a fly on that wall.

    Easter is a symbol of spring which in turn is an integral part of the cycle of life. It symbolizes birth, fertility, and new beginnings. As I drive cross country from Florida to Colorado this symbol of rebirth is everywhere. In Florida there are subtle signs, like the return of the song birds, new flowers blooming and bananas ripening. In Atlanta the peach blossoms are in full bloom, and in Tennessee the dogwoods have begun to flower. On to Kentucky, Illinois and Missouri the grass is greening and a few trees are budding. In Kansas and Colorado the daffodils are blooming and the tulips are about to open. Everywhere it is spring, a time when the earth throws off her heavy wool blanket and dons her most colorful attire.

    So this Easter Sunday let's don our colorful clothes and give thanks to our Higher Power for the return of warmth, color and new beginnings. And I wish for you a marvelous day with chocolate bunnies that contain no calories. :)

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