Monday, December 7, 2009


    I awoke early this morning to the sound of traffic on the road about a block away. It surprised me because I don't remember hearing traffic sounds in the entire week I've been here. Then I realized why. The fountain wasn't on. My condo overlooks a small lake with a fountain in the middle. I'm usually asleep when it automatically turns on in the early morning and there's very little travel on the south end of this island at 10:30 at night when it goes off. The fountain is white noise. It drowns out all the noise that is located further away from it. If I don't focus on the fountain I can hear either the traffic noise or the silence within my condo.

    My thoughts are white noise in my mind. The chatter of what I call the "committee" inside my head often drowns out the voice of Source. But if I can clear my mind of all these thoughts, at least for a little while each day, I can hear the sounds behind the chatter. Sometimes it is silence, often it is guidance. Either way, the white noise amplifies my limited perspective of life. Only when I move behind it can I step out of my illusions and hear the truth.

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