Monday, December 14, 2009


    When I was a child I learned a very serious distortion in my belief system. It may have been taught to me or I may have misinterpreted it but either way it has placed limits on numerous adult experiences. The distorted belief was that I should not have any wants and desires above the basics in life, for to do so makes me selfish and self-centered. As I matured, I often allowed these beliefs to cause me to suppress my true desires because a "good" person is grateful for what is given to them and does not spend time dreaming about what they don't have. In turn, a vicious cycle would ensue, where I would have desires, which in turn produced thoughts of not being a good person, which created self loathing within me. Luckily, some years back I learned a concept that helped unblock these limiting beliefs and today, whenever this cycle tries to raise its ugly head I am able to combat it and continue to soar towards my desires. You see, I am a co-creator, with Source as my partner, in the creation of my reality. With this concept in hand, I can deduce that my desires, if not fear based, come from the Divine Wisdom of the Universe. Therefore, if it originates from Source it must be a part of my built-in guidance system, which in turn, directs me to my highest good. So today, my desires are as important to me as the gas gauge is on my car. I listen to these desires, assess whether they are out of fear or out of intuition, and when they are the latter, I turn my gaze in their direction and step out with excitement and anticipation.

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