Tuesday, December 1, 2009


    It's 83 degrees out, the fountain is flowing in front of my condo, the air is still and moist and I'm heading down to the pool to sunbathe and read, for I've given myself the day off to find my "spot". Today is my first day in paradise. Exactly where I want to be.

    But this morning my ego tried to sabotage me. What is it my ego did? It kept throwing thoughts at me like, "You don't have anyone to share this with," "You're just a fraud," "You've made a huge mistake," "You can't afford this," and on and on and on. Part of me wondered if I'm just too spoiled for my own good, part of me wondered if I'm just out and out crazy. But when I'm tired and I haven't meditated in a few days I get disconnected from my Source and I feel lost. That's when my ego tries to take over. But I don't ignore my ego in these moments. For if I do it just gets louder and makes me feel worse. Instead I use the tools I've learned over the years to bring myself back into alignment with Source and keep my serenity. I thank my ego for making all its comments, then I ask it to kindly sit in the corner and shut up. Then I turned my thoughts and attention to the spiritual practice I have come to love. I read my inspirational books, say my positive affirmations, meditate for fifteen minutes, then write in my journal my gratitude list along with my thoughts and feelings. Finally, I bring myself back to the moment and continue to do so over and over again as the day progresses. For it is in the moments that I know how blessed I am to be where I am, doing what I am, living the life I live and in this moment I say, "Thank you Creator!"

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