Friday, December 4, 2009


    My two cats are like polar opposite personalities. Anise, the little grey kitty, is under the bed. She doesn't seem to have stepped out from under it since we arrived four days ago. I'm pretty sure she has, probably in the dark of night, for the food has been eaten and the litter has been soiled by more than one cat. It's a shame, for she is missing out on the extra treats I dispense every morning and the marvelous kitty TV outside our lanai. Cayenne, my tortoise colored cat, is the exact opposite. She doesn't mind taking a risk at adventure in her new home. The condo overlooks a small lake and each morning numerous birds fly in to partake of breakfast, or to bath themselves, or chatter with their friends. Cayenne spends her entire morning watching that channel. She has acclimated nicely to our new "digs" and has created her routine based on eating, watching kitty TV, sleeping on various chairs, sofas and beds, and repeating the above.

    Both have choices in life, just like me. I could have stayed under my bed, putting up with the cold weather and living a small and safe life. Instead I have decided to take a risk, adventure out from beneath the bed and start a new life somewhere else. Cayenne has joined me. Hopefully Anise will soon.

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