Sunday, November 22, 2009


    I wrote several notes along the drive today to remind me of the interesting items I wanted to write about in my blog tonight. The tumbleweed as it blew across the Texas highways. The mysterious fog bank I drove through. The vultures playing tag in the sky. But all of these fun stories went out the window after I arrived at my destination and was traumatized by my cat, Cayenne, who taught me three valuable lessons.

    Lesson number 1. Never leave your cat in a room with another cat if they don't know each other. Cats aren't like dogs. They don't adjust after a few minutes of smelling the other animal's butt. The phrase cat fight probably originated from crazy humans like my friend and I who put two unfamiliar cats in a room together and thought they would get along. Boy were we wrong.

    Lesson number 2. Never pick up a cat that is upset when a unfamiliar cat is present. How do I know this? Because I tried and now I have three gashes in my left cheek, several scratches on my hands and a chunk of skin missing from one of my finger tips.

    Lesson number 3. Cats are very forgiving. Tonight as we gather in the spare bedroom for a good night's sleep, all is well. Anise is hiding under the bed, Sharmin is snoring by the door and Cayenne is quietly sleeping in her cage. The other cat is separated by a room and a cage and is no longer within smelling or hissing distance. My cats are much happier. I'm still a little traumatized by the above event and my finger hurts like an SOB but the cats have forgotten the incident and think of me as their friend again. All is forgiven. Wouldn't it be nice if we humans could be just as forgiving.

    What's in store for us tomorrow? More adventures On The Road with Sarah Doyle. See you then.

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