Thursday, November 12, 2009


I’m excited because I learned something new about myself today. This was a true AHA moment. I was listening to a workshop on Law of Attraction on my I-pod. This particular speaker believes (as do I) that we are in this world to be co-creators with Source. Unfortunately, through our conditioning since birth we’ve forgotten this concept. In this belief, when we have true desires, they are information about the direction that is right for us. These desires begin as thoughts that turn into energy that either manifests for us or are placed into vibrational escrow (a holding pattern) until we are ready to receive them. But we’re the only ones who can make ourselves ready. So what I’ve been relearning over the past few years is how to make myself ready to receive my desires in physical form. This requires aligning my “feelings” (or vibrations) with the new manifestations before I receive them and then I draw them to me.

Ever since I heard about the Law of Attraction several years ago, I’ve been practicing it and the life I live today was created from my past desires, which when I turned towards and focused on them the law brought to me. Right now I’m in the process of creating my future based on my current desires. One of these areas is to share my life with a partner. And although I’ve known, since not long after my husband died, that I desire having another life partner, I also have known I was not ready to invite someone into my life yet. In essence, the desire has been sitting in vibrational escrow waiting for me. So over the last four years I’ve begun aligning my feelings towards meeting someone, knowing that I still had some grieving to do and that I also wanted to enjoy being alone for awhile. Recently I realized I was ready for this new person in my life. But then I became impatient and began thinking about “what if” I don’t meet anyone, what will I do, where will I live, how will I handle life alone. The big AHA I had today as I listened to the workshop was that by thinking about and creating these “contingencies” I’m actually blocking the manifestation from happening because contingencies mean I don’t completely believe. As I listened I went, “WOW!” Now, as is my typical response after having an AHA moment, I’m chewing on this new perspective and it will take me a few days to shape it and move it and incorporate it into what I feel and do.

On a lighter note, this concept reminds me of an old joke I once heard about a person who falls off a cliff and grabs a spindly little branch that keeps them from plunging five hundred feet to their certain death. As they hang on for dear life they call for help. A booming voice calls to them from above and says, “Let Go.” The person asks, “Who are you?” The voice says, “I am God. Let go and I’ll catch you.” The person thinks about what God says for a minute then calls up, “Is there anyone else up there?”

In my situation the branch is my contingencies. Today I learned it’s time to let go of the branch and let Source catch me.

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